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The Scotts Valley High School has come a long way since 1990!

Do you remember any of these events or see any familiar names?

- Work in Progress -


City Council puts Measure R on ballot (advisory vote only) - “Should a high school be located in a two mile radius of SV?” - 71% respond “yes”


SV Mayor Peggie Lopez and Councilperson Gina Koshland request the high school be placed on the SV City Council agenda

“Citizens for a High School in Scotts Valley” is formed to work on feasibility of reorganizing school district to include a high school - Mike Smith asked to chair

April 8th - “Citizens” hold unanimous vote to ask the SVSB to petition the SCC school board to begin the process to reorganize SVSD into a K-12 district


October 21 - SC County Board of Education approves a proposal for SVHS


March 11 - State Board of Education approves a proposal to create SVUSD which allows a high school to be built in SV

November - Bond measures G&H pass with 77% and 74% of voters approving unification and the bonds to build SVHS; Mike Smith chaired the successful campaign


July - Glenwood site approved for SVHS

August 12 - SVUSD trustees hold SVHS ground breaking ceremony

November - SV school board approves high school graduation requirements


July - grading begins on Glenwood site

October - Al Montalbano appointed first SVHS principal


February - SVHS "Falcon” mascot and maroon & gold colors selected

March - SVHS Parent Club holds its first planning meeting

March - Scotts Valley Ed Foundation presents check for $17,450 to SVHS from Bean Creek Run

March - Deadline for SVMS students to commit to attend SVHS

April - Eight factory built classrooms and a physical ed exercise room purchased

May - Original teachers and counselor hired for SVHS (Jeffrey Fisher, Hilary Ford, Elizabeth Seabury, Katie Todd, Tami Wallace & Farol Henderson)

May - Widening of Glenwood Drive begins

May - Louie Walters named head football coach

August - Portable classrooms arrive at SVHS site

September 1st - 9th Grade Orientation held

September 8th - Opening Day of SVHS for freshmen students

September 11th - SVHS Falcons begin inaugural football season v Greenfield

November 17 - Forum held about International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program


January 5th - Falcon Girls Soccer open SCCAL against Harbor

January 19th - Falcon Girls Basketball Team has first win

February 16th - SVHS first freshman class have impressive showing at mock trial competition

February 26th - Justin MacKiewicz first athlete to compete in wrestling championships

March 15th - Girls softball team wins first game ever played

March 22nd - Wick & Harris win in track & field


September 6th - SVHS starts year with 35 teachers and staff occupying permanent buildings in new campus

October - SV Chamber names Julie Rockow “Youth of the Year”


November - First Turkey Trot held by SVHS students raised $1350 for holiday meals for needy families


Christa Watkins elected ASB president for 00-01


Fall - Key Club established at SVHS


Fall play: “Bang Bang You’re Dead”



February - SVUSD receives official approval from IBO for the Middle Years Program

April - SVHS drama class presents first production - “Grease”


Spring - JV Baseball co-SCCAL champions


Christa Watkins re-elected ASB president for 01-02


May - First SVHS Career Day held

June - Tom Utic named second SVHS principal


August - Louie Walters appointed SVHS Athletic Director


August - Community Field Clean-Up Day at SVHS


August - SVHS football plays first SCCAL season


September - SVHS students held fundraiser for 9/11 victims 


September - 522 students enrolled at SVHS

October - SV chamber names Nick Wright “Youth of the Year


January - Key Club Induction at SVHS


January - SVHS Boosters Notify SVHS Parent Club of intent to form own fundraising cmte


February - Girls JV Soccer Team goes undefeated at 19-0


February - SVHS Justion Mackiewicz wins first wrestling title in SVHS history and advanced to CCS playoffs


Spring play: “Diary of Anne Frank”


March - SVHS approved for IB diploma


First girls tennis team


April - SVHS holds “Mug Shot Fundraiser” to raise funds for ceramics class


Julie Rockow elected ASB president for 02-03

June - Ken Thomas named third SVHS principal

October - SV Chamber names Stephen Hoversten “Youth of the Year”

October 11 - SVHS concludes “Pioneer Week” with first Homecoming game and carnival


November 14 - SVHS Formal Dedication Ceremony


Jas Adlakha elected ASB president 03-04


June - First SVHS graduating class and first IB Certificates awarded

October - First SV Haunted House

Fall - First SVHS Girls Cross Country Team

Fall play: Harvey


SVHS Competition Cheer Team wins first place at Nationals

“Shaving Heads for Cancer” fundraiser for cancer research in support of SVHS student

Spring play: Inherit the Wind


Nick Huber elected ASB president for 04-05


June - IB Diplomas awarded for first time

Cross Country - first time to go CCS

Fall play: The Tempest


Hockey team established

Sailing team best in Santa Cruz County

Spring musical: Cabaret


Chris Mylrea elcted ASB president 05-06

Mock Trial county champions

Students lead donation drive for Hurricane Katrina

Fall play: A Streetcar Named Desire

Varsity football - first year making CCS playoffs

Cross Country - sends four runners to CCS meet

Girls Volleyball - CCS playoffs for first time and make it to second round


Girls Varsity Basketball first time making league playoffs

Boys Varsity Soccer first CCS playoff

Girls Varsity Soccer SCCAL Champions


Colin Walch elected ASB president 06-07


Varsity Football crowned SCCAL champions - first time!


Girls Varsity Golf Team undefeated & SCCAL Champions


Jennifer Brumbaugh, SCCAL Golf Champion


Fall play: Macbeth



January - SVHS math teacher Richard Salome named CA League of High Schools 2007 State High School Educator of the Year.

Girls Varsity Soccer SCCAL & CCS Division III Champions

First boys water polo team

First girls water polo team

Spring Musical: Brigadoon

Ryan Fontana throws first perfect game for SVHS baseball


Felicia Kuo elected ASB president 07-08

Varsity football team SCCAL champions (second year in a row) and win semi-finals of CCS

April - SVHS places 13th in national 2007 Collaborative Problem Solving contest held by National Assessment & Testing

Fall play: Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead


Spring Musical:  Seussical the Musical


Boys Varsity Basketball to CCS for first time


Girls varsity soccer CCS Champions


Chenisha Sangha elected ASB president for 08-09


Varsity football SCCAL Champions third year in a row


Wrestling undefeated in CCS win Scholastic Champions Team Award


SVHS Hall of Fame First Inductees


Girls Varsity Soccer Team SCCAL Champions


Jared Fujishin elected ASB president for 09-10

Varsity Football Team SCCAL Champions - fourth year in a row


Girls Tennis Team SCCAL Champions


Baseball Santa Cruz Coast Athletic League champions


Aly Bothman elected ASB president 10-11


Girls Varsity Basketball Santa Cruz Coast Athletic League champions


Girls Varsity Soccer SCCAL Champions


Lizzie Zweng elected ASB president for 11-12

Girls Cross Country Division IV Individual State Champion Vanessa Fraser


Girls Varsity Soccer SCCAL Champions


Ben Roumimper elected ASB president 12-13


Girls Cross Country Division IV Individual State Champion Vanessa Fraser


SVHS selected as a CA Distinguished School


Darby McFall elected ASB president 13-14

Boys Cross Country SCCAL & CCS Division IV champions

Boys Cross Country CIF State champions (5th)


Baseball Santa Cruz Coast Athletic League champions

Girls Varsity Basketball Santa Cruz Coast Athletic League champions (12-0 record - ranked #1 in Northern CA)


Sam Braverman won SCCAL Diving Championship


Ethan Powers elected ASB president 14-15

Boys Cross Country SCCAL Champions

Girls Wrestling National Championship - Dom Parrish


Girls Varsity & JV Basketball Santa Cruz Coast Athletic League champions


Girls JV Soccer SCCAL Champions


Girls Softball SCCAL Champions


Ava Davis elected ASB president 15-16

Girls Cross Country team qualifies for State Meet


Fall - SVHS varsity football plays game at Levi’s Stadium


Girls Varsity Tennis SCCAL Champions


Fall Play: “Death, Dates & Delusions”


Girls Varsity & JV Basketball Santa Cruz Coast Athletic League champions


Boys Varsity Soccer CCS Semi-Finals


Girls Softball SCCAL Champions - second year in a row


Wrestling - Gabby Sandoval first place in CCS


Spring Musical : Chicago


Spring - Fashion Show raises $2K for Siena House


Spring - Homeless Connection Club holds shoe drive for Watsonville Homeless Shelter


Ann Codiga elected ASB president 16-17


Fall Play: “You Can’t Take It With You” featuring Burt, the Wonder Snake


Fall - Varsity Girls and Boys Cross Country to CCS


Boys Varsity Soccer SCCAL Champions


Spring - John Lennon Educational Bus visits SVHS


Girls Varsity Softball SCCAL Champions - third year in a row!

Spring Musical:  “Anything Goes”


Madison Seaman elected ASB president 17-18


Girls golf team undefeated - SCCAL champions!


Fall play: It's A Wonderful Life


Spring Musical: The Addams Family


SVHS students participate in National Never Again Walkout to protest school violence


April - SVHS Choir performs at NYC’s Lincoln Center with Eric Whitacre


Tom Codiga elected ASB president 18-19


Boys Cross Country SCCAL Champions


Fall play: The Curious Savage


Softball team named CCS Scholastic Team Award Winner


Spring musical: Guys & Dolls


Catelyn Reynolds elected ASB president 19-20


Boys Cross Country SCCAL Champions


Girls golf team undefeated - SCCAL champions


SVHS recognized as an Ocean Guardian School


Fall play: "The Bold, the Young & the Murdered"


March 16 - SVUSD schools suspend in-person instruction


Robbie Hall elected ASB president 20-21


August - CZU fire delays start of school until September 7th


September - SVHS starts school year with online instruction


Fall - SVHS holds virtual rally


Boys Cross Country SCCAL Champions


October - Drive Thru SV Haunted House Raises $10K

Fall Play:  Almost, Maine performed virtually


April - SVHS Homecoming Takes Place with a drive thru to look at floats and lip sync performed outside the Boardwalk


Spring - Virtual Art Night held


Spring - First year of Varsity Girls Lacrosse


Spring - SVHS varsity football team undefeated - SCCAL champions!


Spring - Boys varsity basketball goes to playoffs


Jeremy Goodrich elected ASB president 21-22


May - Parents organize a Senior Prom


Fall - Varsity football team SCCAL champions again!


Fall - Boys & Girls Cross Country SCCAL & CCS Division IV Champions - first time in same year!


Fall play: Clue


January - Winter formal returns to Cocoanut Grove as an indoor event


Spring musical: Urinetown


Michaela Auman elected ASB president 22-23


October - SVHS elects two homecoming kings for the first time, Miles Kennedy and Kyle Saiki


Boys & Girls Cross Country SCCAL and CCS Division IV Champions - second year in a row!


Girls Cross Country place sixth in CIF State Championships


Varsity Football SCCAL Champions - third year in a row


Fall - Varsity Girls Tennis Co-League SCCAL Champions


Fall - Girls Varsity Golf goes undefeated


Fall play:  The Play Where Everything Goes Wrong


Girls beach volleyball crowned 22-23 SCCAL Champions


February - First year Culture Week includes a fashion show


February - SVHS experiences snow during school


Spring - JV softball returns after nine years


Spring - SVHS Fashion Show includes 11 different lines


Girls' Golf Team SCCAL Champions - undefeated season!


Spring musical:  Something Rotten!


Emma Howell elected ASB president for 23-24


Fall - First Girls Flag Football Team


Girls Volleyball Qualifies for CCS 


Boys & Girls Cross Country teams SCCAL Champions 


Varsity Football Team wins Pacific Coast Athletic League Mission Division-North title


October - SVHH returns to an indoor event


Fall play: Rumors


Winter- Girls Varsity Basketball goes to second round of CCS playoffs


Winter - Wrestler Danica Kelley wins CCS champion - 4/0 in her division and one

of five state qualifiers from central coast which also included Kayse Martinovsky


February SVHS wrestler Danica Kelley wins state championship


Spring musical: The Addams Family


Alex Morairty elected ASB president 24-25

June - Girls' track relay team finishes fourth at national championships

August - SVHS alum Dominique Parrish competes in wrestling at Olympics

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