Your Stories
Stories told by SVHS Alumni, Teachers and Parents
Chris Mylrea, Class of 2006
During the first year of the haunted house it was set up on the tennis courts and a windstorm blew the entire thing down. Students from every grade came out and banded together to rebuild the entire thing overnight inside the student union. Without that community coming together the tradition of the haunted house would have never happened.

Thira Wallwork, SVHS Parent
I have warm, tender feelings as I remember over the course of the last 10 years, with four sons attending Scotts Valley High School. My favs were volunteering at the library, serving lunch, giving Spanish lessons, helping out with volleyball, and going on field trips. I have always felt welcomed and appreciated. The staff has put in much time, effort, and concern for each of my sons.
Kelsey Fisher, Class of 2003
Being a part of the first graduating class, everything about our time at SVHS was unique. On our first day of school, we showed up to learn in a bunch of portables in the future student parking lot, our bell was rung by hand, and we shared a food truck with the construction workers building the future high school. We spent all four years as the oldest, embracing and making the best of a strange situation. And everything we did was a first – I got to write for the first school paper, head decorations for the first prom, help plan the first graduation, and was one of the first to drive! I will definitely never forget it.

Kara Bowman, Former SVHS Parent Club President
I remember the early days of the school when the cupboards were bare in the classrooms. There had also been a good capital budget for building the facilities but very little money for supplies. The Parent Club was purchasing things like a periodic table and test tubes for the chemistry room, tissues for the classrooms, and a flag for the school. It's been so exciting to watch SVHS grow from an awkward fledgling to a soaring falcon over 25 years
Heidi Petruzzi, Teacher
My favorite memory at SVHS so far was the 2023 Homecoming Rally. Each class put together such incredible performances and the students were so enthusiastic. It was so nice to see everyone come together.

Erik Duffy (Wyner), Teacher
One favorite memory is Pioneer Days instead of Homecoming. We didn't have Homecoming when we started, because there was no one to come home since no one had graduated yet.
Hailey Weingord, Class of 2019
SVHS positively impacted me because it helped me decide to major in math at UCLA! My experience in IB HL math with Mr. Postovit was very enjoyable and set me up for success in college.

Margaret Anderson, Teacher & Parent
SVHS volleyball program has been a highlight for my family. My daughters Shelby and Svea graduated from SVHS. A highlight was when the Spring 2023 SVHS beach volleyball received the banner for FIRST PLACE in league as it was a 3 way tie!
Bonnie Niesen, Teacher
When I think about SVHS, I think COMMUNITY. We support each other and root for each other.

Ashley Thompson, Class of 2005
In 2003, the Scotts Valley Rotary Club sponsored the charter of the Interact Club at SVHS. I was the founding president. Over the next few years, the Interact Club, dedicated to Rotary International's "Service Above Self" motto, planted trees on the new high school campus, raised money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and volunteered at Valley Churches United during the holidays. The Interact Club helped students get their mandatory volunteer hours in order to graduate as well as to give back to their community :)
When kids or really anyone asks me about how my day is going, I always say "just another day in paradise.”
Can you guess this current SVHS teacher?